3 Reasons Why Should Plan Your Week Ahead of Time

3 Reasons Why Should Plan Your Week Ahead of Time

Imagine you are walking to your office on a Monday morning. You check your email, and your inbox is full of emails you need to attend to. You want to start your week by doing the most important tasks. Mind you, you do not even know what that urgent task is. You have...
The Importance of Long-Term Goal Setting

The Importance of Long-Term Goal Setting

Photo by Ronnie Overgoor on Unsplash Do you ever imagine how your future will be? I’d like to guess that you have. You imagine how your business will be in the next five years, where you’d want to live, and even with who. But do you know that imagining is...
February Tip of the Month

February Tip of the Month

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash Long-term goals. Does just the thought of that make you anxious? It really doesn’t have to! As a matter of fact, long-term goals are necessary to continue to grow either your personal life or your...