Feeling Overwhelmed for 2025? Don't Stay Stuck, I Can Help You!



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Do you have something you want to get done but not enough time in your day to do it all? Maybe you'd like to...

  • Be more productive
  • Find time for your health
  • Enjoy some “ME” time every day/every week
  • Do more of what you want to instead of what you have to
  • Spend more time with those you love

The secrets to successful time management are the same…

  • Get clear. As specifically as possible, decide what you want. The more clear you are on what you want to have in your life, the more likely you are to achieve it.
  • Get perspective. Most people don’t tell anyone what they want or what they are struggling with and because of that they don’t get an outside perspective.
  • Get support. Very few people (if any) achieve anything great alone. Sports stars have teammates and coaches
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Be willing to ask the right people in your life to support you the successful way with TIME MANAGEMENT

  • Create a crystal clear vision for “ultimate success‟ so you know exactly what you want, where you’re headed, and what you need to do to make it happen.
  • Uncover hidden challenges sabotaging your ability to make changes that last.
  • Walk away from our time together inspired to finally achieve the change you seek- once and for all.

What Our Clients Say


SO many problems with time management are the result of people just letting life happen to them… and then they wonder what’s wrong when things don’t happen the way they hoped they would. But that’s avoidable when you know how to be strategic with your time investment.

During your Time Coaching Program, you’ll be working on applying the right tools and techniques and habits in your life so that you can:

  • Discover how to create a stress-free lifestyle AND succeed in your career.
  • Free yourself from the fears and self-sabotage that hold you back.
  • Beat procrastination and trust yourself to really move forward on your goals.
  • Have more structure to your days and weeks so that you have fewer decisions to make.
  • Grow in confidence in your skills and abilities and your right to choose what you do and don’t do.
  • Set boundaries with people and activities that take time away from your top priorities.
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  • Exercise on a more regular basis
  • Arrive on time for most activities instead of being perpetually late.
  • Feel less anxious that you’re letting someone down, or you’re forgetting something.
  • Go to bed earlier so that you’re not chronically sleep-deprived.
  • Improve your relationships with your friends, family, and colleagues.
  • Get projects done that you’ve been meaning to do for years.
  • Develop emotional resilience so that you’re not thrown off for days or weeks when something happens.
  • Invest your time in alignment with your priorities.
  • Live true to your authentic self.
  • Be at peace.

Choose Your Plan

Time Mastery Essentials

In the 3-Month Time Management Coaching Program, you’ll receive

$1495 / 3 Months

  • Comprehensive assessment of your entire schedule (meetings, sleep, exercise, projects, etc)
  • Custom Schedule Makeover that lays out how everything fits together
  • Three months of 45- to 60-minute time management coaching calls that happen three times a month to help you put your plans into action, keep you accountable, and encourage you along the way.
  • Custom action guides following every call that document your learning, your wins, and your plan of action for the coming weeks (I have clients tell me they look back at these months or years later–they’re great reference material!)
  • E-mail coaching where you can reach out to me between sessions to get questions answered, stay accountable, and receive really happy e-mails with lots of !!!!

Time Flow Mastery

In the 6-Month Time Management Coaching Program, you’ll receive

$2995 / 6 Months

  • Comprehensive assessment of your entire schedule (meetings, sleep, exercise, projects, etc)
  • Custom Schedule Makeover that lays out how everything fits together
  • Six months of 45- to 60-minute time management coaching calls that happen every two weeks to help you put your plans into action, keep you accountable, and encourage you along the way.
  • Custom action guides following every call that document your learning, your wins, and your plan of action for the coming weeks (I have clients tell me they look back at these months or years later–they’re great reference material!)
  • E-mail coaching where you can reach out to me between sessions to get questions answered, stay accountable, and receive really happy e-mails with lots of !!!!
  • Guided meditations or exercises to help clients improve their concentration, reduce distractions, and enhance their ability to stay present

Peak Performance Accelerator

In the 9-Month Time Management Coaching Program, you’ll receive

$4495 / 9 Months

  • Comprehensive assessment of your entire schedule (meetings, sleep, exercise, projects, etc)
  • Custom Schedule Makeover that lays out how everything fits together
  • Nine months of 45- to 60-minute time management coaching calls that happen every two weeks to help you put your plans into action, keep you accountable, and encourage you along the way.
  • Custom action guides following every call that document your learning, your wins, and your plan of action for the coming weeks (I have clients tell me they look back at these months or years later–they’re great reference material!)
  • E-mail coaching where you can reach out to me between sessions to get questions answered, stay accountable, and receive really happy e-mails with lots of !!!!
  • Guided meditations or exercises to help clients improve their concentration, reduce distractions, and enhance their ability to stay present
  • Techniques for building new habits and breaking old patterns that hinder productivity, drawing on established frameworks like the Fogg Behavior Model or the Four Laws of Behavior Change.

Free 60-Minute Consultation